Daflon is a drug recommended in the treatment of the symptoms of chronic venous disease (feeling of heavy legs, pain, restless legs) and in the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease. Ask your pharmacist for advice. Read the instructions attentively. If the symptoms persist, consult your doctor.

Daflon 1000 is available in all pharmacies

Daflon 1000 mg, 30 tablets : for Chronic Venous Insufficiency.

1 tablet, once daily .

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Daflon 1000 mg, 30 tablets: for Hemorrhoidal Disease.

3 tablets a day for the first 4 days. 2 tablets a day for the next 3 days.

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Safety Information:

Daflon 1000 mg Safety Information

"Daflon 1000: Micronised, purified flavonoic fraction 1000 mg quantity corresponding to: Diosmin 90 % 900 mg Flavonoids expressed as hesperidin 10 % 100 mg Average moisture content 40 mg per film-coated tablet. INDICATIONS It is recommended for treating venous circulation disorders (swollen legs, pain, restless legs) and symptoms due to acute hemorrhoidal attack. If the haemorrhoidal episodes persist for more than 15 days, it is essential that you consult your doctor. It is indicated in the treatment of functional menorrhagia and premenstrual syndrome.DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION Always take DAFLON 1000 mg exactly as your doctor has described. If you are not sure, you should check with your doctor or pharmacist. The usual dose is 1 tablet daily at mealtimes. If you take this medicine for a haemorrhoidal episode, the usual dose is 3 tablets per day for 4 days and then 2 tablets per day for the next 3 days at mealtimes.

CONTRAINDICATIONS If you are allergic (hypersensitive) to micronised purified flavonoid fraction, especially diosmin (or hesperidin), or any of the other ingredients in this medicine. WARNINGS Warning and precautions Ask your doctor or pharmacist before taking Daflon 1000 mg, film coated tablet. Children Not applicable. Taking or using other medicines with Daflon 1000 mg, film-coated tablet Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription. Taking Daflon 1000 mg, film-coated tablet with food and drinks Not applicable Pregnancy and breastfeeding Pregnancy If you become pregnant during your treatment, or if you are pregnant and plan to take this medicine, ask your doctor or your pharmacist for advice. Breast feeding : Breast-feeding is inadvisable for the duration of the treatment, due to the absence of data on the passage of the medicine into breast milk. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine. Sports Not applicable Driving and using machines Not applicable Excipients: Sodium starch glycolate, microcrystalline cellulose, gelatine, magnesium stearate, talc. Film coating: Titanium dioxide (E 171), glycerol, sodium laurylsulphate, macrogol 6000, hypromellose, yellow iron oxide (E 172), red iron oxide (E 172), magnesium stearate.

possible side effects Common: diarrhoea, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting. Uncommon: colitis.Rare: dizziness, headache, malaise, rash, pruritus, urticaria. Not known frequency: abdominal pain, isolated face, lip, eyelid oedema. Exceptionally Quincke's oedema If you take more Daflon 1000 mg, film-coated tablet, than you should: Consult immediately your doctor or pharmacist. An overdosage of this medicine can make side effects worse. PROPERTIES* Pharmacotherapeutic class: VASCULOPROTECTORS/ MEDICINES ACTING ON CAPILLARIES/ BIOFLAVONOIDS This medicine is a venotonic (it increases venous tone) and a vasculoprotector (it increases resistance in small blood vessels). to report Suspected Adverse Drug Reaction kindly fill attached form

Références :

  1. Based on iQvia data, 2023.